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Late Fees
Public Holidays


Click the button to view our Policies and Procedures Manual.


Please contact the Office for further information or enquiries.









As there are a limited number of vacancies, Bizzy Bodz can only process bookings in the order received.  A waiting list may apply.


Casual enrolments may be made at short notice, and will be accepted providing spaces are available.  To make a casual enrolment, you can either book on Aimy+ before 2pm, or contact the Team Leader after2.00pm on the day.  All casual bookings will incur an additional charge.


A casual booking is a one off booking 





Please provide your child with morning tea, lunch and a drink - all named.


During Term 1 & 4 holiday programmes, children must have a sunhat, sunblock plus a rash shirt or t-shirt for all swimming and water based activities.  Children will not be permitted to participate without these items.


Please dress your child appropriately for the days activities and name all clothing.  Lost property will be held for two weeks, then donated to charity.

Trips will be staffed at a ratio of 1:8.


Buses for all trips will depart between the times of 9.00am and 10.00am.  Please have your child at the programme no later than 9.00am on trip days. 


Please note that depending on the activity planned there may be a cap on the number of children we can take. 


If your child is not booked in on a trip day but you turn up on the morning requesting care we may not be able to accommodate. 


If you are unable to book a trip day because it is fully booked, please contact our Head Office to go on our waiting list. 




​Payment can be made by eftpos, Visa, Mastercard, Ezipay, Stripe or by internet banking to BNZ 02-0168-0023740-01.  Please use your account/child's name in the particulars and invoice number as a reference.


BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE: Bills are sent out the week in advance of attendance and are based on your booking. Any extra charges for late or early fees will be on a separate invoice after attendance. Bills are sent out every Tuesday via Xero and can be paid via Ezipay or Stripe online.


If you make a casual booking your invoice will be generated immediately and is due at the same time. If casual bookings are made throughout the whole term you will receive an invoice for the whole terms booking at once.


SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: Payment is required at time of enrolment to secure your child’s place in the programme. Fees are payable for days booked, irrespective of attendance.


Bizzy Bodz has a no refund policy, but is happy to credit fees to another day to be used during the same holiday period (conditions apply).


To secure a position in the programme, it is essential that an Online Account be completed for each child online.
As there are a limited number of vacancies, Bizzy Bodz can only process applications in the order received.  A waiting list may apply.


Early & late fees

Times outside of your booked times but within our operational hours will move to the next time slot and be charged accordingly. Where your pick up or drop off hours are outside of our operational hours of 7.00/7.30am and 5.30/6.00pm a fee of $1.00 per minute will be issued.


Public holiday, teacher only day & school closure charges
In line with normal business and commercial practices, statutory holidays which fall on normal school days, including teacher only days, school closures etc are treated as such, with appropriate fees applied.


Collecting your child
Children can only go home with parents or guardians who have been identified on the child's account.  Should you wish your child to be collected by someone other than those named, please inform the Team Leader as soon as possible.


Illness & accident
Children who become ill during the programme will be made as comfortable as possible and a contact person will be notified as soon as possible.
Should a serious accident occur, parents will be contacted immediately.  If necessary, and with your permission, the child will be taken to Eastcare Botany Road, or the nearest medical provider, or an ambulance will be called.


Behaviour management
Bizzy Bodz has a behaviour guideline policy.  These guidelines will be discussed with children prior to the start of the programme.  Parents will be contacted if cases of unacceptable behaviour occur.


Complaints & communication
Bizzy Bodz has a complaints procedure.  If you have any problems, please approach the Team Leader, who will assist you with the process.


If you have any other queries regarding the programme or your child, please feel free to approach the Team Leader.


We value your child, and are only too pleased to help.


Policies & Procedures


WINZ & OSCAR subsidy

Work and Income

​All Bizzy Bodz programmes are MSD approved.


This means parents using our programmes can apply to Work & Income (WINZ) for the OSCAR Childcare Subsidy to help pay fees.


If you are applying for an OSCAR Subsidy, we strongly recommend you make your permanent term booking as soon as possible, to ensure all forms are submitted on time. If the required WINZ forms are not submitted in a timely manner, Work and Income may not pay and the account holder is liable for payment. For the school holiday period a 25% deposit is required for WINZ forms to be provided.


For more information about Work & Income subsidies and to see if you are eligible click here.



Ministry of Social Development Accreditation

For the latest OSCAR Subsidy income thresholds and maximum rates click here.


OSCAR (Out of School Care and Recreation) programmes are After School, Before School and School Holiday Programmes for children aged between 5 and 13.


OSCAR programmes provide children with opportunities that assist them to develop physically, socially, creatively, emotionally, academically and culturally while playing in a fun and safe environment.


All Bizzy Bodz programmes are MSD approved OSCAR programmes.


MSD Standards for Approval for OSCAR Programmes are the only nationally recognised set of standards specifically for OSCAR programmes.


For more information about OSCAR and to visit the OSCAR Foundation website - click here.


Contact Us 

Auckland Head Office

Postal Address: P O Box 260021, Howick East, Auckland, 2146


Physical Address: 175 Moore Street, Howick, Auckland 2014


09 530 9020


Havelock North Office

Physical Address: 6D Havelock Road, Havelock North 4138


06 825 6088


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